Returning is a personalized one-on-one session, for nervous system repair and somatic exploration that is available online or in-person.
Before the session, you fill out a form to share your intention and history.
At the start of the session, we’ll take a moment to settle together. I will guide you if you’re new to the practice or simply prefer being led.
The session usually involves verbally sharing what is present for you, and then noticing what sensations or stories arise within your body. I am also here to help you build this skill if it sounds foreign or impossible.
The body holds so many stories that our minds don’t remember, and requests for healing. Helping the body finish unfinished urges and offering it precise support through activation, can be immensely healing for the nervous system.
The aim is to visit difficulty in small bite-sized pieces while also acknowledging what is already healthy and whole.
You will receive accurate reflection to ensure you feel heard and seen, and to help you map your experience from beginning to end.
Meeting small pieces over time in the presence of another is a big part of the work. We often go into trauma physiology when we feel alone and helpless. Coming out of it we purposely bring company and choice.
While a one-off session can be inspiring, it’s my experience that consistency is key to achieving lasting progress. I recommend a weekly or bi-weekly 3-month experience, but you are free to book one at a time as well. You have choice all the way through. This is part of the repair!